Protecting and promoting traditional knowledge : systems, national experiences and international dimensions /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Otros Autores: Twarog, Sophia, 1964- (ed.), Kapoor, Promila (ed.)
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Geneva ; New York : United Nations, 2004.
Acceso en línea:
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part 1. The role of traditional knowledge in healthcare and agriculture. Traditional medicine. Traditional Medicine : its importance and protection / Xiaorui Zhang.
  • The use and commercialization of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in Vietnam : the case of crop and medicinal plants / Le Quy An.
  • Traditional medicine in Burkina Faso / Zéphirin Dakuyo.
  • The role of traditional knowledge in the national economy : traditional medicine in Tanzania / Paulo P. Mhame.
  • AIDS and traditional health care in Africa : the role of traditional healers in prevention strategies and treatment options / Martin Shenton.
  • Food and agriculture. Using Farmers’ traditional knowledge to conserve and protect biodiversity : the Ethiopian experience / Tesfahun Fenta.
  • Genetic resources and traditional knowledge in Brazil / Antonio C. Guedes and Maria José Amstalden Sampaio.
  • Conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture : Strengthening local capacity for food security / Murthi Anishetty.
  • A food system overview / Geoff Tansey.
  • Part 2. Protecting traditional knowledge. Preserving, protecting and promoting traditional knowledge : national actions and international dimensions / Sophia Twarog.
  • International Dimensions. The importance of traditional ecological knowledge and ways to protect it / Gonzalo Oviedo, Aimée Gonzales and Luisa Maffi.
  • Recommendations to UNCTAD from indigenous groups in attendance.
  • Protecting traditional knowledge, innovations and practices : the Indian experience / Atul Kaushik.
  • International bodies and traditional knowledge / Manuela Cameiro da Cunha.
  • Protecting traditional knowledge : an industry view / Tim Roberts.
  • Protection of traditional knowledge on biological diversity at the international level : reflections in connection with world trade / Susette Biber-Klemm.
  • The use and safeguarding of folk handicraft as Sui Generis Intellectual Property / Vlasta Ondrusova.
  • Intergovernmental organazations. Note by the executive secretariat of the convention on biological diversity / Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • Intellectual property and traditional knowledge : the work and role of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) / Shakeel T. Bhatti.
  • Traditional knowledge : resisting and adapting to globalization / Douglas Nakashima / Plant Variety Protection and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge / Barry Greengrass.
  • National experiences. Developing and implementing national systems for protecting traditional knowledge : experiences in selected developing countries / Graham Dutfield.
  • Strengthening traditional knowledge systems and customary laws / Maui Solomon.
  • Experiences and lessons learned regarding the use of existing intellectual property rights instruments for the protection of traditional knowledge in Kenya / Joseph M. Mbeva.
  • The Peruvian Proposal for protecting traditional knowledge / Ana María Pacón.
  • Protection of traditional artisanal crafts in Panama / Beleida Espino R.
  • The protection of traditional knowledge in Bangladesh / Farid Uddin Ahmed.
  • The protection of traditional knowledge in Indonesia / Sulaeman Kamil.
  • Access to Genetic Resources, Protection of Traditional Knowledge, and intellectual property rights : the Costa Rican experience / Jorge A. Cabrera Medaglia.
  • A Sui Generis System for protecting traditional knowledge under the CBD : the official position of the government of Costa Rica / Margarita Umaña.
  • Indigenous rights and intellectual property rights : Bolivia / Javier Ernesto Munoz Pereyra.
  • Strengthening Public Policy for a Sustainable Exchange of Knowledge between national and international interests : recent legislative developments in the area of traditional knowledge in Venezuela / Rafael Fuentes Niño, Luisa E. Bernal and José J. Contreras.
  • Protection of traditional knowledge, access and benefit sharing, and intellectual property rights : the Colombian experience / María del Pilar Pardo Fajardo.
  • Regional initiatives. Sui Generis legislation and protection of community rights in Africa / Joseph. A. Ekpere.
  • Regulating bioprospecting and protecting indigenous Peoples’ knowledge in the Andean Community : decision 391 and its overall impacts in the region / Manuel Ruiz Muller.
  • Part 3. Harnessing traditional knowledge for development. Indigenous knowledge for development : opportunities and challenges / Nicolas Gorjestani.
  • Promoting development among the Indigenous Loita Maasai Pastoralists of Kenya / Mark K. Ole Karbolo.
  • Commercialization of traditional knowledge and benefit sharing / Suman Sahai. Harnessing traditional knowledge for development and trade : the Philippines experience / Jocelyn L. B. Blanco.
  • Protecting traditional knowledge : systems and experiences in Sri Lanka / Vijaya Kumar.
  • Biodiversity and traditional knowledge : the Malaysian experience / A. Latiff and A. H. Zakri.
  • Development of an integrated traditional and scientific knowledge base : a mechanism for accessing and documenting traditional knowledge for benefit sharing, sustainable socio-economic development and poverty alleviation / Ataur Rahman.
  • UNCTAD’s BIOTRADE initiative : some considerations on access, benefit sharing and traditional knowledge / Anida Yupari, Lorena Jaramillo, Rik Kutsch Lojenga, Sálvano Briceño and Rafael Sánchez.
  • German technical development cooperation : measures to promote implementation of article 8 (j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity / Christine Schäefer.
  • Traditional knowledge and the environment : statement by the United Nations environment programme / Robert Hamwey.
  • Statement by the International Indian Treaty Council / Mario Ibarra.