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|a Tocqueville, A. de / Parties.-- Tocqueville, A. de / The French revolution.-- Weber, M. / Politics as a vocation.-- Easton, D. / The analysis of political systems.-- Parsons, T. / Political systems and bureaucracy.-- Habermas, J. / The scientization of politics and public opinion.-- Marx, K. / State power and society.-- Mosca, G. / The political class.--Mills, C. W. / The structure of power in American society.-- Dahl, R. A. / A critique of the ruling elite model.-- Kaysen, C. / The corporation: how much power? What scope?-- Banfield, E. C. and Wilson, J. Q. / The centralization of influence.--Wiatr, J. J. and Przeworski, A./ Control without opposition.-- Schurmann, F. / The Communist Party and the state.-- Beer, S. H. / Group representation in Britain and the United States.--Michels, R. / Principles and bureaucracy in political parties.-- Duverger, M. / The origin of parties.-- Rokkan, S. and Campbell, / A. Citizen participation in political life.--Lipset, S. M. / Voting behaviour.--Allardt, E. / Types of protests.--Gramsci, Antonio / Political forces in "organic" crises.--Fanon, F. / Spontaneity: its strength and weakness.-- Touraine, A. / The French student movement on May 1968.-- Walzer, M. / The revolution of the saints.