Marketing the Mediterranean as a Region Interministerial Tourism Conference = Promovoir la Mediterranee en tant que region Conference Interministerielle du Tourisme /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores Corporativos: Organización Mundial del Turismo, Marketing the Mediterranean as a Region Interministerial Tourism Conference
Formato: Acta de Conferencia Libro
Publicado: Madrid : Organización Mundial del Turismo, 1997.
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Registration.
  • Inauguration.
  • Welcome address by the minister for tourism, the Hon. Karmanu Vella.
  • Introductory address and reply by the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organisation, H. E. Francesco Frangialli.
  • Welcome recepcion hosted by the Minister for Tourism, the Hon. Karmenu Vella, at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza.
  • Plenary Session 1. Chair: Mr Norman Mifsud, WTO Permanent Representative , Malta.
  • Registracion.
  • Marketing Tourism in the Mediterranean region.
  • "New opportunities" / Martin Brackenbury.
  • "The Mediterranean as a product" / Joachim Koop.
  • How to make an umbrella promotion of the Mediterranean- The Spanish perspective" / José Luis Zoreda.
  • "The Egyptian experience" / Elhamy Elzayat.
  • "Tourism trends-the WTO perspective" / Peter Shackleford.
  • "Presentation and objetives of the Euro Mediterranean Tourism Organisation (EMPO)" / Osmane Aidi.
  • Colloquium 1. Chair: Salvino Busuttil.
  • Protecting and enhancing Mediterranean Heritage and the Environment.
  • "Cultural tourism in the region" / José Vidal-Beneyto.
  • Tourism, society and the environment in the Mediterranean / Tom Selwyn.
  • The religious aspect / Peter Serracino Inglott.
  • Colloquium 2. Chair: Joseph Galea Debono.
  • The Mediterranean for Long- Haul tourism and travel: the direction of tourism trends
  • American perspective / Voit Gilmore.
  • Japonese perspective / Yasuo Karatsu.
  • Australian perspective / John Brown.
  • Cruiseline Business / John Drysdale.
  • "Forescasts" / Monshe Hananel.
  • Meeting of ministers, chaired by the Hon. Karmenau Vella, Minister for Tourism, Malta.
  • Conclusion of colloquia 1 & 2.
  • Ministers´Intervaention. Colloquium 3. Chair: Mr Vhadi Zanag.
  • The role of the media in the new Mediterranean perspective / Jean Pierre Chanial, Uriel Yashiv and Juan Ferrer Santalo.
  • Plenary Session 2. Chair: Mr Norman Mifsud.
  • Tourism-Economic impac of the Mediterranean: is it losing market share? / Salvino Busuttil.
  • Arts and events in the Mediterranean / Daniel Courant.
  • Formulation and adoption of final documant.
  • Concluding speech by the Hon. Kamenu Vella.