The changing american economy : papers from the Fortieth Anniversary Symposium of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress /

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress
Outros Autores: Obey, David R. (ed.), Sarbanes, Paul (ed.), Heller, Walter W., Tobin, James, 1918-2002, Zysman, John, Cohen, Stephen S., Rohatyn, Felix G., 1928-2019, Olmer, Lionel Herbert, 1934-, Eisner, Robert, 1922-1988, Harrison, Bennett, Tilly, Chris, Bluestone, Barry, Kuttner, Robert, Anderson, Bernard E., Piore, Michael J., Thurow, Lester C., Marshall, F. Ray, Weinig, Sheldon, Phillips, Kevin, 1940-
Formato: Anais de Congresso Livro
Publicado em: New York : Basil Blackwell, 1986.

Biblioteca Escuela de Economía y Negocios:

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Área/Cota: 338.973 O126 1986
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