Readings in money, national income, and stabilization policy /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Teigen, Ronald L.
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Illinois : Richard D. Irwin, 1978.
Edición:4th ed.
Colección:The Irwin serie in economics
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cap. 1. The theory of income determination. 1. The interest rate,the price level, and aggregate output / Robert S. Holbrook.
  • 2. The demand for and suppIy of money / Ronald L. Teigen.
  • 3. Some reflections on the current state of the monetarist debate / Thomas Mayer.
  • 4. A criticaI look at monetarist economics / Ronald L. Teigen.
  • 5. Inflation / Congressional Budget Office.
  • 6. Inflation and unempIoyment / James Tobin.
  • 7. Some current controversies in the theory of inflation / Thomas M. Humphrey.
  • 8. Down the Phillips curve with gun and camera / Roben M. Solow.
  • Cap. 2. Commercial banking and financial intermediaries. 9. A perspectíie on liability management and Bank Risk / Iack Beebe.
  • 10. FinanciaI intermediaries and the Saving-Investment Process / John G. Gurley and. Edward S. Shaw. 11. Commercial Banks as creators of "Money / James Tobin.
  • Cap. 3. The federal reserve system. 12. The instruments of general monetary control / Warren L. Smith.
  • 13. Monetary objectives and monetary policy / Richard G. Davis.
  • 14. Innovations in monetary policy / Henry C. Wallich.
  • 15. Interpreting the Fed's Monetary Targets / William Poole.
  • Cap. 4. Fiscal policy. 16. Measuring and realizing the economy's potential / Council of Economic Advisers.
  • 17. Measuring fiscal influence / Alan S. Blinder and Robert M. Solow.
  • 18. Lags and uncertainties in fiscal policy: general considerations, and the 1968-1970. Experience / Alan S. Blinder and Robert M. Solow.
  • 19. Financing a federal deficit / Council of Economic Advisers Staff Memorandum.
  • 20. Fiscal policy in IS-LM analysis: a correction / William L. Silber.
  • 21. New directions for the federal budget? / Joseph Scherer.
  • 22. Fiscal policy and the national debt / David J. Ott and Attiat F. Ott.
  • Cap. 5. Monetary policy. 23. A Neo-Keynesían view of monetary polícy / Warren L. Smith.
  • 24. The theory of monetary poliey under uneertainty / William Poole.
  • 25. The trade-off between short- and long-terro poliey goals / James L. Pierce.
  • 26. The lag in the effeet of monetary poliey: a survey of recent literature / Michael l. Hamburger.
  • 27. The role of governrnent intermediaríes in the residential mortgage market / Warren L. Smith.
  • 28. Current federal residential credit programs / Congressional Budget Offiee.
  • 29. The role of monetary poliey / Milton Friedman.
  • 30. Guidelines for monetary poliey-The case against simple rules / Lyle E. Gramley.
  • 31. Alternatives for debt management / William D. Nordhaus and Henry C. Wallich.
  • Cap. 6. International finance. 32. Managing the Managed Float, Wilfred Ethier and Arthur l. Bloomfield.
  • 33. Global monetarism and the monetary approaeh to the balance of payments / Marina v.N. Whítman.
  • 34. Asset market equilibriurn, the exehange rate, and the balance of payrnents / Willíam H. Branson.
  • 35. The presentation of the balance of payments / Robert M. Stern.
  • Cap. 7. Coordination of economic policy. 36. Monetary and fiscal policíes for economic growth / Warren L. Smith.
  • 37. The theory of flexible exchange rates in the short run / Rudiger Dornbusch and Paul Krugman.
  • 38. Rules and roles for fiscal and monetary policy / Arthur M. Okun.