6th international conference on the conservation of earthen architecture : Adobe 90 preprints : Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A., October 14-19, 1990 /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores Corporativos: International Conference on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture Las Cruces, New Mexico, International Council on Monuments and Sites. U.S. Committee, Getty Conservation Institute
Formato: Acta de Conferencia Libro
Publicado: Los Angeles : Getty Conservation Institute, 1990.
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Pte. 1.History and traditions. Cap. 1. Conservation de l'architecture en brique crue: la recherche sur les "casoni" du nord-est Italie et la stratégie opérationelle ; Cap. 2. Arquitectura vernacular del Valle Central de Chile ; Cap. 3. Clay lump, the English adobe ; Cap. 4. Insólita tradición de tapial en Cuba ; Cap. 5. Restauración de adobe en edificios coloniales de Antigua Guatemala ; Cap. 6. Earth used for building in the Himalayas, the Karakorum, and Central Asia: recent research and future directions ; Cap. 7. Earthen walls from France and England for North American farmers, 1806-1870 ; Cap. 8. El uso del adobe en edificios en el área metropolitana de Ciudad de México; el pasado, el presente y las expectativas para el futuro ; Cap. 9. Arquitectura de tierra en Italia: desde las colonias griegas hasta la dominación española ; Cap. 10. The evolution of adobe construction systems in the Southwest (USA) and related conservation issues ; Cap. 11. On the history of clay buildings in Germany ; Cap. 12. The "slow" method of construction of traditional wet mixed and placed mass subsoil walling in Britain ; Cap. 13. Earth, culture, architecture: the protection and development of rammed earth and adobe construction in China ; Cap. 14. Cyclical maintenance of earthen architecture as a future policy in Tanzania ; Cap. 15. Some notes on earth building in Britain ; Cap. 16. Prehistoric Mogollon and Anasazi earthen architecture of the Southwestern United States ; Cap. 17. Of Taq and Dhajji Dwari: the earthquake resistant mud and brick architecture of Kashmir ; Cap. 18. Mud castles (kasbas) of South Morocco: will they survive? ; Cap. 19. Traditions and techniques of earthen architecture of Sri Lanka ; Cap. 20. Revalorización del material tierra en la arquitectura chilena ; Cap. 21. Earthen architecture of New York State: adobe construction in a nonarid climate ; Cap. 22. Retention of the traditional values of African earth architecture ; Cap. 23. The lesson of Dar al Islam ; Cap. 24. Traditional sun-baked (adobe) brick structures in Macedonia, Yugoslavia ; Cap. 25. Construcción tradicional en el nordeste argentino
  • Pte. 2.Conservation and restoration. Cap. 1. Churches, symbols of community: the preservation of New Mexico's adobe churches ; Cap. 2. A new restoration material for adobe structures ; Cap. 3. Reconstruction of traditional structures in the Al-Turaif quarter, Dir'lyah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ; Cap. 4. Acoma: a case study in preservation philosophy and implementation ; Cap. 5. The study of accelerated carbonation of lime-stabilized soils ; Cap. 6. Restoration of the sixteenth-century church at Curahuara de Carangas, Bolivia: a case study ; Cap. 7. Analyses and conservation of Pueblo architectural finishes in the American Southwest ; Cap. 8. Méthodologie de la conservation et de la restauration des monuments en terre ; Cap. 9. Construcciones de tierra, en el Perú de hoy
  • Pte. 3.Site preservation. Cap. 1. Architecture as a human artifact: an archaeological perspective on adobe analyses ; Cap. 2. The protection and conservation of the adobe structures at Paquime, Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico ; Cap. 3. Fort Selden ruins conservation ; Cap. 4. L'ile de Martiques à l'age du fer: un village en terre, histoire et preservation du site ; Cap. 5. The slumping of the Great Knob: an archaeological and geotechnic case study of the stability of a great earthen mound ; Cap. 6. Chan Chan: aportes para la conservación de la arquitectura de tierra ; Cap. 7. Panjikent: a pre-islamic town in Central Asia ; Cap. 8. Restauration des murailles de San'a, Yémen du nord
  • Pte. 3.Consolidation studies. Cap. 1. The Getty research project at Fort Selden I: experimental design ; Cap. 2. The Getty research project at Fort Selden II: a study of the interaction of chemical consolidants with adobe and adobe constituents ; Cap. 3. The Getty research project at Fort Selden III: an evaluation of the application of chemical consolidants to test walls ; Cap. 4. The preservation of prehistoric mud plaster at Mesa Verde National Park ; Cap. 5. Chemical surface treatments and capping techniques of earthen structures: a long-term evaluation ; Cap. 6. Synthetic latex-soil slurry: a new adobe preservation technique ; Cap. 7. Deterioration and conservation of some mud brick in Egypt ; Cap. 8. The weathering characteristics of the rocks of the Kezier Grottoes and research into their conservation ; Cap. 9. Preserving the eighth-century BC mud brick architecture at Gordion, Turkey: approaches to conservation ; Cap. 10. Consolidation of a neolithic earthen site with potassium silicate ; Cap. 11. General considerations on the preservation of earthen architecture in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and a proposal for reinforcement of a structure of a brayed mud wall
  • Pte. 4.Seismic mitigation. Cap. 1. Comportamiento estructural de la quincha ; Cap. 2. La arquitectura de Quito frente a los sismos ; Cap. 3. Le bati ancien dans les zones à risques ; Cap. 4. The impact of the 1989 Loma Prieta earhtquake on historic adobe structures in Santa Cruz County, California ; Cap. 5. Prevención sísmica en las construcciones de adobe, en la ciudad de Guatemala después de los terremotos de 1917-1918 ; Cap. 6. Repair of cracked adobe walls by injection of modified mud ; Cap. 7. Criterios y técnicas de restauración aplicadas en los monumentos de adobe en el Perú ; Cap. 8. Seismic strenghtening of historic adobe structures in California: an overview
  • Pte. 5.Current field research. Cap. 1. Adobe: constructive method and thermic characteristics ; Cap. 2. Influence de l'humidité sur les propriétés thermiques du matériau terre: problématique, métrologie, résultats expérimentaux ; Cap. 3. Conservación de un sitio arqueológico construido en tierra ; Cap. 4. An investigation into the pattern of deterioration of Daga (earth) structures at Zimbabwe type monuments ; Cap. 5. An evaluation of the New Mexico state monuments adobe test walls at Fort Selden
  • Pte. 6.Problems of moisture. Cap. 1. Méthodologie d'etude au laboratoire de la tenue à l'eau de materaiu terre ; Cap. 2. Le point sur les possibilités de l'électro-osmose pour la conservation de l'architecture de terre ; Cap. 3. Pathologie humide de constructions en terre: méthodologie de diagnostic
  • Pte. 7.Clay chemistry and microstructure. Cap. 1. Adobe and related building materials in New Mexico, USA ; Cap. 2. Adobe mineralogy: characterization of adobes from around the world ; Cap. 3. Nineteenth century New York State earthen homes ; Cap. 4. Caracterización física de adobes de Castilla-León (España) ; Cap. 5. Problemas de la investigación y conservación de las estructuras del centro ceremonial de la cultura Paracas-Nazca, Perú ; Cap. 6. An outline of mud brick structures conservation at Abusir, Egypt
  • Pte. 8.Future directions. Cap. 1. Proposal for an intervention methodology for the conservation and restoration of earthen architecture ; Cap. 2. CRATerre-EAG, ICCROM long-term plan for the preservation of the earthen architectural heritage: the Gaia Project.