Rereading cultural anthropology /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Marcus, George E. (ed.)
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Durham : Duke University Press, 1992.
Colección:Cultural studies
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • On being out of words / Stephen A. Tyler
  • Tactility and distraction / Michael Taussig
  • The rhetoric of ethnographic holism / Robert J. Thornton
  • Putting hierarchy in its place / Arjun Appadurai
  • Reflecting on the Yanomami: ethnographic images and the pursuit of the exotic / Alcida R. Ramos
  • Occupational hazards: Palestine ethnography / Ted Swedenburg
  • The politics of remembering: notes on a Pacific conference / Geoffrey M. White
  • The postmodern crisis: discourse, parody, memory / Vincent Crapanzano
  • A broad(er)side to the canon, being a partial account of a year of travel among textual communities in the realm of humanities centers, and including a collection of artificial curiosities / George E. Marcus
  • Cultural relativism and the future of anthropology / Melford E. Spiro. Missing the revolution: anthropologists and the war in Peru / Orin Starn
  • Peru in deep trouble: Mario Vargas Llosa's "Inquest in the Andes" reexamined / Enrique Mayer
  • "Speaking with names": language and landscape among the western Apache / Keith H. Basso
  • Nostalgia--a polemic / Kathleen Stewart
  • Fictions that save: migrants' performance and Basotho national culture / David B. Coplan
  • Race and reflexivity: the black other in contemporary Japanese mass culture / John Russell
  • Representing culture: the production of discourse(s) for Aboriginal acrylic paintings / Fred Myers
  • Indigenous media: Faustian contract or global village? / Faye Ginsburg
  • Tango / Julie Taylor.